How to Get a Free Electric Wheelchair

Ways to Get a Free Electric Wheelchair

For individuals facing limitations in mobility, electric wheelchairs become a key to unlocking independence and a renewed sense of freedom. However, the high cost of these essential tools can be a significant obstacle. Thankfully, offers various resources to help you acquire a free electric wheelchair. This guide explores the primary methods for obtaining an electric wheelchair at minimal or no expense.

Government Programs:

  1. Medicare:

    Medicare, a federal health insurance program for individuals aged 65 and older, may cover electric wheelchairs under certain circumstances. To qualify, you must have a doctor's prescription for an electric wheelchair and purchase it from a Medicare-approved provider.

  2. Medicaid:

    Medicaid, a joint federal-state health insurance program for low-income individuals, may also provide financial assistance for electric wheelchairs. Eligibility and coverage vary by state, so contact your local Medicaid office for details.

  3. VA (Veterans Affairs):

    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers free or low-cost medical care, including electric wheelchairs, to eligible veterans. To determine eligibility and benefits, visit a VA medical facility.

    How to Get a Free Electric Wheelchair


Non-Profit Organizations:

  1. Red Cross:

    The Red Cross has many local chapters that donate or loan electric wheelchairs to those in need.

  2. Salvation Army:

    The Salvation Army often repairs and provides donated used electric wheelchairs to individuals free of charge or at a minimal cost.

  3. Other Non-Profits:

    Numerous local non-profit organizations provide medical equipment, including electric wheelchairs and other assistive devices. The National Council of Nonprofits' Assistance Directory can help you find resources in your area.

Additional Options:

  1. Community Organizations:

    Local organizations like Lions Clubs or Rotary Clubs may donate or provide funding for electric wheelchairs to individuals in need.

  2. Electric Wheelchair Recycling Programs:

    Some medical equipment suppliers and non-profits refurbish used electric wheelchairs and donate them to those in need.

  3. Personal Fundraising:

    Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or YouCaring can be used to raise money for purchasing an electric wheelchair from friends, family, and the community

Obtaining a Free Electric Wheelchair through Medicare or Medicaid:

To get a free electric wheelchair through Medicare or Medicaid, follow these steps:

  1. Doctor's Prescription:

    Obtain a prescription from your doctor stating that you medically require an electric wheelchair due to your condition.

  2. Contact Your Insurance Provider:

    Inquire with your Medicare or Medicaid provider to determine if the electric wheelchair is covered and how to proceed with the prescription.

  3. Choose a Provider:

    Select an electric wheelchair supplier approved by your insurance provider.

  4. Purchase the Electric Wheelchair:

    Purchase the electric wheelchair from the chosen provider using your prescription and insurance information.

Important Considerations:

  • Eligibility and coverage vary among programs and states.
  • Some programs may require prior authorization or additional documentation.
  • Costs may differ based on insurance coverage and electric wheelchair type.

Additional Resources:

Remember, if you require assistance navigating the process of obtaining an electric wheelchair, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional, social worker, or local disability advocacy organization. With the right guidance and resources, you can find the most suitable electric wheelchair to enhance your mobility and independence.

How to Get a Free Electric Wheelchair